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Two years For Jesus

Are you willing to go for the Lord Jesus?
Are you willing to participate in missionary work and support missionaries to go for the Lord Jesus?
Now we are mobilizing the participation of Chinese Baptist Churches around the world!

Two years For Jesus

Image by ian dooley
Image by Lachlan Dempsey
Image by Melissa Askew
Image by Natalie Pedigo



Field Selection


Christians called by the Lord

20-50 years old

Single or family

Recommended by Pastors of Fellowship Church

Two years

Facing different ethnic groups without the gospel

Join an experienced international missions team

On-site training

Pioneering Church

African countries and some countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Western Europe (for the safety of missionaries, there are international mission teams to receive them locally, and mission fields will only be provided after passing the interview).

The cost of "serving the Lord" for two years is about 50,000 US dollars. Please raise at least NT$150,000 (about US$5,000) by yourself or the parent association in the early stage.

The remaining shortfall will be assisted by the missionary organization, who will work with the missionaries to share the organization’s work and invitations with all churches, encouraging them to pledge their support for the organization.

Embrace Project

Fill out the application form, health declaration questionnaire, and letters of support and recommendation from the fellowship church (a letter of recommendation from the senior pastor and four church recommenders)


Embrace Project

Application Process



Website Registration

Pastor Recommendation

Personal Questionnaire

Submit complete information to the mission



Written review

Formal interview




Written review

Formal interview


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